Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ovarian Cancer Information from a Patient

Well, for those of you who know me, I am headed to the 'Cancer Treatment Centers of American' in Tulsa, OK,, today for my last set of OVAX Shots. I will have one more shot but it will not be until sometime in November or December. It will be the 6 month booster.

For any woman that has OVARIAN CANCER or has a family member or friend that has been touched by this, I suggest taking a look at the website address that I am posting below. The study is currently recruiting participants. Please visit the page below for all information that pertains to the study and how to know if you are eligible. I was eligible and so you could be also.

I would also like to guide anyone who has any type of cancer to the CTCA (Cancer Treatment Centers of America). You can call 800-931-9299 anytime to discuss your treatment options. You can visit them online and chat with them live at I can not stress how excellent this place is. You do not have to have a lot of money to go to this place and it is not a "last chance" option. If you find out you have cancer then call them or go to the website. You will be amazed at the care they offer and you are in charge as the patient and not the other way around. Trust me, I had my first treatment in Kansas City before calling CTCA and I am thankful to God that He led me in this direction.

Melissa G.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Short Version of My Conversion

I am not much of a writer, blogging is not going to make me shine; this is my first attempt and so I guess I will begin with my testimony of God's gracious work in my life.

My family was not religious and so I was never taught anything about God. My first encounter with religion was a faint memory of Jehovah Witnesses visiting our home. My second encounter, and the one that would shape my life for the next 30 years, was an invitation from my older sister to a little Assembly of God church in Dumas, TX where we were living, I was 8 years old. I recall going for the first time on a Wednesday night and before the actual service they had children and adult classes which I came to really look forward to. After the class was dismissed I thought it was all over but could not find my sister. Everyone was in the main sanctuary, or at least I thought all the adults were and children were not allowed. Someone caught me peeking in the door several times and finally came and brought me in. I felt sheepish.
It was good there in that little congregation. Every time we gathered people would stand up and share what the Lord had been doing in their life that week. I would listen intently to them wishing I had something to share. At the end of the service the pastor would open up the altar for people to just come down and pray alone before God. I remember going and kneeling down and putting my head on my arm that rested on the altar and tried to talk to God, always peeking to see what others were doing. I wanted what these people had, what I saw they had in the Lord.
The pastor, at the Assemblies of God Church, never made an altar call for sinners and so I never heard of it until I visited my Aunt Margie's Baptist Church. I remember him asking people to raise their hands if they wanted to invite Jesus into their hearts and some did but I didn't. I wanted to but wasn't sure what it all meant. All those who had went to the front were led in a "Sinner's Prayer." When service was over and while my parents tarried, I knocked on the Pastor's office door . I told him I wanted Jesus and he told me to come and have a seat, and so I did. He told me to pray and talk to Jesus and so I did the best I could muster and that was that. I thought I was saved.
My whole life (some 30 years) I claimed to be a Christian but there was no evidence of conversion. I lived so wickedly and there was no power over sin in my life, I felt condemnation all the time. From the age of 12 years old I was smoking and drinking and using marijuana and all sorts of vile things. I always questioned my salvation. Every time I did go to a church or watched a preacher on television I would say the sinners prayer when they did the altar call because I just wanted to be absolutely sure that I was saved. I thought that maybe if I say it this way or maybe I was sincere this time but it was a lie. If I read the Bible it was only when a preacher would  give some spine tingling  sermon on prosperity or healing or power. I just became more confused and more insensitive to truth. 
After meeting my husband Joe, him and I moved to Kansas City. Joe and I really began to search for God in our apartment.  We were both feeling as if we were picking up with God where we had left off.  We found a church in Grandview, but left because church didn't feel the same.  It didn't do the same thing for me that it did before.  It felt fake.  I started praying for God to remove everything that I was taught that wasn't truth because I started to see a lot of the things that I knew, weren't truth.  I read the bible, listened to worship music, prayed and listened to messages on the Internet.  I ran into Paul Washer's "Shocking Youth Message" which began in myself a deep questioning of my salvation.  It was so convicting that I tried to ignore it.  I truly was scared, but continued to listen to Paul Washer.  I listened to his message entitled "Examine Yourself" where he went through the book of 1 John and by the end of that message I was in such turmoil on the inside because I knew I was a wretch and that I had sinned against a Holy God and I was not saved and it scared me, I was desperate. I knew then only God had the power to save me and not some little religious prayer.  I had prayed that prayer too many times at several altars in churches all across the country and none of them had saved me.  I needed God and I made it known to Him with a deep repentance that I never had before. I continued to cry out to Him everyday to do a true work, a complete work, a finished work in me that only He can do.  I can not tell you the hour or the day but I know beyond a doubt that my God began that precious work in me and I see myself through a different set of eyes today.  I am broken and humbled before God.  I don't understand why He bothered with such a mess like myself but I am forever grateful that He loved me and I am looking unto Christ who is the author and finisher of my faith. I have no need to say that sinners prayer again ever because God has done a supernatural work of regeneration in my heart.

I have found the only safe place is in the Center of the Flame of the All-Consuming-Fire of God.